The Cooling Tower Company Joins Marley Flow Control
The Cooling Tower Company and Marley Flow Control are excited to announce The Cooling tower Company (TCTC) has joined Marley Flow Control. Although staff and contact numbers will remain the same, as of the 1st July 2019 The Cooling Tower Company will be solely owned by Marley Flow Control Pty Ltd, and as such the company name and company details including ABN will change.
All our staff and services which are currently working under TCTC will remain unchanged. The Cooling Tower Company and Marley Flow Control have been working together to ensure that your interactions with TCTC will continue to operate as normal.
Marley Flow Control has over 14 years’ experience in the industry and are looking forward to integrating that experience with the TCTC team to further grow the business. Marley Flow Control recognises the importance of the current relationships between TCTC and its customers and looks forward to the opportunity to work with TCTC’s existing and future customers.
With experience in Facilities Maintenance, SPX Cooling Tower and HVAC Systems along with their experience working across industries such as Energy and Defence, Marley Flow Control looks forward to the opportunity to offer these expanded services to the Victorian market services through the TCTC team.
Business and services within TCTC will continue as normal. The location of the business and phone numbers in Victoria will remain the same if you wish to discuss further.
Marley Flow Control - NSW
Find out more about Marley Flow Control and what the experienced Marley Flow Control team offer from the NSW office.
Marley Flow Control - VIC
Contact Willem and his experienced team (previously The Cooling Tower Company) at the Marley Flow Control Victorian office.